Step 3: Selection of Crypto Technique

Updated on February 27, 2023

Step 1: Open the ‘Configuration’ window

Click on the ‘Configure’ button on the Installed Packages page.

Step 2: Select the De-identification option

After clicking the ‘Configure’ button, a new window will open displaying four options –

  1. De-identification
  2. Self Service 
  3. Debugger
  4. Trigger

The crypto technique is located in the De-identification option, so you’ll need to select De-identification.

Step 3: Select the Crypto Technique

You’ll need to select the crypto technique to securely store ‘proof of de-identification. Cloud Compliance creates and secures ‘proof of de-identification by storing it in an encrypted format using one-way hash or encryption techniques. 

NOTE: Once the crypto technique is selected, it cannot be changed. 


Step 4: Pick an Encryption Method

One-way hash method: ‘Proof of de-identification information from the original de-identified record is not accessible in a clear text format. It can only be searched against.

Encrypted method: ‘Proof of de-identification information from the original de-identified record is displayed in a clear text format. It can be searched against and the original values can be viewed with appropriate access.

NOTE: Refer to the table below and determine the crypto approach that suits your company’s data regulation policy.

Crypto TechniqueDescriptionReferenceAdvantages
One-way HashOne way hashed records cannot be unencrypted.Refer to Salesforce Documentation  Creating Hash Digests

Search only returns a confirmation of whether the searched value was part of a de-identified record and the Id(s) of the original record(s)
This method is ideal when a ‘proof of de-identification is the only identifier needed.
EncryptionEncrypted records can be de-encrypted.

The search returns a complete decrypted record.
Refer to Salesforce Documentation    Hash-Based Message Authentication Codes (MAC)This method is less secure compared to the one-way hash. A search returns all fields of the record as unencrypted data. Ideal for customers that need information beyond a ‘proof of de-identification identifier for auditing purposes.