Updated on June 17, 2024

Is DataMasker Free?

No, DataMasker is not FREE, but we offer a FREE trial. DataMasker is available from AppExchange as a paid offering.

The installation is easy, with the setup wizard handholding you at every step. And if you get stuck or need support, contact us through the website chat. We are here to ensure you succeed with your Salesforce Sandbox masking needs.

What are the steps to deploy DataMasker?

Can DataMasker run in PROD (I hope NOT 🤞)

DataMasker is deployed in PROD so that it gets copied into every refreshed sandbox org. To ensure that DataMasker NEVER runs in a PROD Salesforce Org, we have constraints built into it.

DataMasker uses a Salesforce standards-based approach(isSandbox) when masking is initiated. It only runs if it detects that the Org is a Dev or a Sandbox Org.

No matter how masking is initiated – By clicking the ‘Run Masking’ Button or through the APEX or REST API – DataMasker will NOT run in a PROD org.

Appended is a screenshot of the error users will see if masking is triggered in PROD from the button ‘Run Masking’.

Appended is the REST response indicating that DataMasker execution is prohibited in Production Org.