Release Notes 2.3 (June -2024)

Updated on June 25, 2024

Version: DataMasker – Version 2.3

Release Date: June 2023

New Functionality

  1. Bell Icon Notifications: Receive push notifications to stay informed when executions reach a ‘Halt-On’ state.

  2. Masking Speed on Field Masking UI: A dynamic banner now displays estimated masking speed banner. This provides real-time insights into masking performance.

  3. Processing Insights : show the overall speed(Million/Hour). Along with that, the user can keep an eye on the ongoing masking processing speed per 3-hour interval chart.

  4. Processing Visibility: The Processing insights tab provides a more detailed record of automation actions, including history feed deactivation and reactivations stamp. error reporting indicates that the History and Feed entries lack a “Reactivated Timestamp”.

  5. Execution Oversight: Bulk job details and exception reports are now accessible directly on the execution page. This provides a consolidated view for a more efficient post-execution analysis.

  6. Try Before You Apply: Run a test mask on a small sample of data directly from the configuration screen. This new ‘rollback mode’ lets you preview masking results on a specific object without creating an Execution or interrupting automations. It’s a safe way to ensure masking works as expected before applying it to your entire dataset.


  1. Masking Speed Boost : We’ve significantly improved masking performance behind the scenes. This means you’ll experience faster processing times.

  2. Simplified Data Filtering: The Data Masker Object Masking page now features a Query Builder. This intuitive tool allows users of all backgrounds to easily construct filter criteria without needing to write complex queries.

  3. Find The Fields You Need In a Flash: We’ve added real-time filtering to the Field Masking LWC. Now you can search by keyword across field labels, API names, and field types.

  4. Halt-On: You can now define Halt-On directly at the configuration level. This field will automatically populated on the associated Execution record.

  5. Min and Max Values: Users can now define a custom range for masking specific data types like dates, numbers, and percentages. This ensures your masked data remains statistically sound and realistic.

  6. API Versions : Version is updated to 55.0 for a few of them – APEx, LWC, Aura, Triggers, etc.

  7. Streamlined Formula Field Selection: Easily choose formula fields for masking directly from a drop-down menu. This menu filters only to show compatible formula fields of the same data type, simplifying your masking workflows.

Bug Fixes

  1. Validation Rule Automation Issue Resolved: A bug has been fixed that prevented automation deactivation upon manual stop masking action in Spring 24. This ensures validation rules function as intended.

  2. Execution Logs Accuracy Improved: We’ve addressed a bug that caused the Execution Logs status to remain stuck in “In-Progress” even after the Apex Job and BulkDataLoadJobs are finished. This fix ensures the logs accurately reflect the completion status of executions.

  3. Corrupt CSV Error Resolved: Presence of /n and other such new line characters in the text cause corrupt CSV files. We have fixed the apex code to include those special characters as text.

Known Issues

  1. Masking a field type of ‘Date/Time’ using the action type ‘Formula Field’ causes runtime exceptions.

  2. DataMasker disables field history tracking before it starts masking. However, it is unable to do so for Custom fields on 2 objects (Task and Event).