Version: Cloud Compliance Release 3.2
Release Date: 10-June-2022
New Functionality
- Cross-Object Filter(COFi): A new functionality has been added to handle retention policy enforcement based on related object records. Example: Identify and Mask all Accounts that are in Inactive status for the last 6 months. And there are no Cases, no Opportunities ever created for these Accounts. COFi allows admins to declaratively define and enforce such retention policies through an easy-to-use and intuitive user interface.
- Incorrect SOQL Validation: In the earlier release, an incorrect value in the where/filter of the RTBF mapping field could cause a runtime exception. In this release, the activation process validates all the filter/where clause field values to be a well-formatted SOQL(WHERE clause). It highlights fields that contain incorrect data so that the admins/Implementers can take corrective actions.
- Help Text Updates: Help texts have been refined across RTBF and Retention objects.
Bug Fixes
- Checkbox Field on the RTBF mapping: Checkbox fields set as checked were showing as unchecked on the RTBF Mapping user interface. This bug has been resolved and now a field set as True shows as Checked on the user interface.
- Retention Mapping – Field name: The presence of any field name that includes the word ‘limit’ was causing exceptions during the retention execution. This has been resolved in this release.
Known Issues